Ahsania Mission University of Science & Technology (AMUST), Rajshashi is going to start it’s Academic Program soon. We are inviting applications for appointment of different administrative positions as follows:
- Deputy Registrar
- Assistant Admin Officer
- Office Assistant
- Lab. Attendant
Interested candidates may apply mentioning the post desired.A cover letter in plain paper along with full CV, a copy of passport size colored photograph and photo copy of all academic certificates, mark sheets/transcripts, testimonials etc. must reach the Project Coordinator, AMUST, C/O Dhaka Ahsania Mission, House # 19, Road # 12, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1209 or send the scanned copy in PDF format of the above documents by e-mail (amust.dam@gmail.com) on or before 11th May 2023.The academic qualifications for the posts and other details may be seen in the web-site of Dhaka Ahsania Mission (www.ahsaniamission.org.bd/amust). Salary of all posts are negotiable. Only short-listed candidates will be called for an interview.